Sporting Spoofs

Spoofin' On Sports

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Location: Currently Boston, Planet Earth

I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Patriots Utilize Top Secret, International Time Machine Generator Thing to Win Over the Steelers.

Sunday- The Patriots put the International Secret Society of Time Machine User Guys into a snit in the fourth quarter of their game with the Steelers on Sunday.

It is reported that somebody "pulled some strings" with the MIT guys and they provided a small window in the fabric of existence, for the purpose of adding 52 seconds to the game clock which secured enough time for the game winning field goal.

It is still not known what kind of damage an "unscheduled leap" such as what occurred during the game will do to the time line of humanity and existence, but no one really seems to care beyond knowing that the win goes to the Patriots and there's nothing the Steelers can do about.... especially given that none of them have access to the codes for the I.S.S.T.M.U.G. any longer.

"This was a one time deal....uh.... again." Said the coaching staff for the Patriots. "Not just anyone is special enough to get access to the I.S.S.T.M.U.G. frequencies and access codes."

"The damage should be minimal to our time line" said Professor Noodlehead... "it's no where near the damage produced by atom bombs or nuclear tests.....and really, it was well worth it.... and besides... who could resist? No one can remember much about it, anyway... those kids did pretty good.... they just messed up a little on the "re-entry alignment".... if they hadn't slipped there, no one would remember a thing about it. Not a thing. YEAH! GO PATS!"

Representatives of the "MIT Mess With I.S.S.T.M.U.G. Student Union" commented briefly on the matter;

"The only real problem at all with this, is just going to be smoothing it out with the "Vegas" type guys... you know the sports book people..... all they really care about is the bottom line, and most of them don't know much past T.V. about Quantum Physics... and time travel dillies and things... not to mention appreciation of what we pulled off here... YEAH GO PATS!... the I.S.S.T.M.U.G. didn't have much to say about it past the usual slap on wrist and media posturing.... really the time line and the fabric of existence is pretty flexible..... we get in on those guys allot... the I.S.S.T.M.U.G. guys that is.... it's been going on so long that it's almost a prerequisite these days for a job in the field, to have pulled a few of these...... but don't tell anybody... it's kind of like our little 'in' thing.... we just have a good time with each other..... I guess we'll just have to get the Patriots guys to kick the Vegas peeps some V.I.P. packages for some games, or something..... they'll cover it... at least they better."

The N.F.L. declined comment, citing the fact that "This stuff is just way over Maddens head.... so.... what ever those guys say is good enough for us."


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